Hari Om! Welcome back to the voyage inward. 🙂

I hope all of you a wonderful Independence Day. 😀 Let us strive to become spiritually independent individuals, for in our transformation lies the nation’s transformation!

On that patriotic note, today I am publishing this poem I had penned some time ago on the rock-solid foundation of India – her eternal spiritual and cultural tradition – Sanatana Dharma.

Sanatana Dharma is a tradition conceived of as inherent in the cosmic mind, arising with the dawn of creation itself.

Dr David Frawley

Today, this great tradition is popularly known as Hinduism or Hindu Dharma. It is vast, it is ancient, it is extremely rich and home to various schools of thought including Yoga and Vedanta. However, at the core it is all about knowing and experiencing that Cosmic Truth, that self-existent reality that pervades all.

I will keep talking about this great tradition in future blogs. For now, let’s get to the poem! 🙂

I have been ravaged by time,
Yet I know no harm,
For I am eternal, I am timeless.

I have been looked upon with angry ignorance,
My temples have been destroyed,
My scriptures have been burnt away,
I have been looked down upon by generations
Of the country I have nourished.

Yet I know no hate,
For I am Supreme Love Itself.

Monarchs have tried to vanquish me,
Invaders have tried to bury me,
Politicians try to push me into the past,
Yet I remain smilingly infinite,
Ever safe in the hearts of those who uphold me,
Ever ready to help even those who try to destroy me.

Yes, I have been torn apart many a times,
It pains me when my own children do not understand me.

Yet I look up with hope at Him, the Lord of All,
Who has graced this sacred land with his Feet,
Each time to save me from the hands of evil.
In the Yugas gone by as Rama and Krishna,
In this Yuga as great saints and Realized Masters,
As men and women who strive to discover me in their hearts.

Do you wonder who am I?
I, My Dear Children, Am Your Mother.
The Root of Love and Truth in the tree of your lives.
I am Dharma, Sanatana Dharma,
The timeless tradition that nourishes this Universe.
That which is the backbone of your sacred motherland, Bharat.

This poem is extremely special for a reason I am unable to articulate well. But that reason has given me a vision – an aim.

To not only learn more myself, but also create awareness and build up knowledge about our incredible tradition through whatever I write. I hope to have all of you and many more with me on this journey! 😀

Here’s a book you can start your journey of knowing more about Sanatana Dharma with – trust me it is an extremely enriching read! (https://www.amazon.in/What-Hinduism-Guide-Global-Mind/dp/9388038630)

I leave you with this beautiful rendition of the National Anthem by the People of India from the pristine land of Arunachal Pradesh to the golden shores of Tamil Nadu – a Sounds of India initiative by Prasar Bharati. – https://youtu.be/DttAX2OFoN0

See You Next Sunday,

Love and Om,

Lakshmi. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Sanatana Dharma – A Poem

  1. Devi vry well written.,.. Simple… language… Good flow…. Vry strong effective thoughts.
    I am sure readers will be motivated to learn nd understand in depth… Sanatana dharma.. Will definitely read the recommended book.
    All the best kanna.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Though written in simple language it conveys deep thoughts which will touch you somewhere deep in your heart. Beautifully written……Devi Alias Laksmi


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